Compensation and Requirements:
Symphony personally handles all of her bookings::
Speaking Engagments- Symphony has over 15 years of experience as a speaker. Her gift of motivational and inspirational speaking continues to abound. Fee: $400- and up per event, per day (organizer provides, meals, and transportation costs, and accomodations allowing Symphony ample time for sound check and personal considerations both before and after event.) See Rider
Event Hosting- Symphony is highly experienced host and Mistress of Ceremony. Her performance background allows her to adjust to special event and various venues. Fee: $300- and up per, event per day (organizer provides, meals, and transportation costs, and accomodations allowing Symphony ample time for sound check and personal considerations both before and after event.) See Rider
Acting- Symphony is open to roles that do not compromise her personal values. (TBD)
Organizer, Presenter or Management agrees to provide direct deposit into Symphony's Personal Account all compensation for each performance immediately after fulfullment of contract. (Account Number will be provided by her personal assistant).
Business: 951-454-7025